Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will the Real Presidential Candidates Please Stand Up?

What do you want? The answer to that question is obviously to vast to put into words. However, there is a change that politicians need to make as far as giving us people what we truly want. Sure, we want the normal everyday commodities, lower gas prices, less debt, and a better housing market. But it goes beyond that. One person who understands this (as much as I hate to say it) is Barack Obama. His endless motifs throughout his campaign of hope and change resonated with American citizens. It truly inspired people.

That is where the Republicans lack. Most are so tied up in telling us what the President is doing wrong (rightly so) that they forget to tell us how to fix it. The American people are struggling and we still need the hope and change that Obama never brought. Someone who will stand up for what he believes in and doesn't just use political rhetoric. A leader who knows how to pitch a positive message as opposed to a negative one. We need a leader who is as ambitious as the people who elected him.

So in the words of Eminem. May I have your attention please?

Will the real presidential candidates please stand up?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Why so serious? Obama's not.

Obama once again is playing games with America's fiscal situation. With the downgrade of the S&P, it seems our current President doesn't care about our nations debt. Romney on the other hand is not shying away from our economic woes. The Massachusetts Governor said the Standard & Poor's rating was, "a significant marker of our country's deteriorating economic position."

Obama should be concerned by the downgrade and he should be letting us regular Americans know what he is going to do about it. Obama lacks a plan. Trust me, spending is not a plan. Romney has proven that he has the ability to gain credit raters trust.

For example he had this to say, "When I took office in Massachusetts, we faced job losses and a fiscal crisis that had the potential to shake the faith of the credit raters in our bonds," Romney continued. "I met personally with these officials in my office in Boston, and I traveled to New York City to meet them in their offices. S&P responded in 2005 with a credit rating upgrade that acknowledged the state’s sound fiscal management and the improving strength of its revitalized economy."

I believe we need more than a politician to run this country. Somebody who has been in the business world and had success. Our country needs a strong leader and a sound minded business man. Our current President lacks in both categories.  

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Romney seeks Sunshine in Florida

Mitt Romney is clearly taking Florida seriously. The state, which is hosting the Republican National Convention, is a huge swing state. It was McCain's victory in Florida in 2008 that shattered Romney's hope as the parties representative for President.

Romney did not down play the importance of the state, saying, "This is a state which traditionally has a lot to say about who our nominee is going to be." Recent polls show that Romney has a sizable lead in the Sunshine state. This is important because of Florida's diverse demographic. It is a good representative of the country as a whole.

Florida is a key state. Period. I believe it will be the state that decides the Republican nominee.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Enough Talk, Obama's Decline

Since the beginning of the year, Obama has seen his approval rating drop roughly 5 points. He promised too much. Voters waiting for this glorious "change" are left wondering. He has smothered this nation in debt. Spending far more than any President and doing it without batting an eyelash. For the first time in recent memory, voters are actually concerned about the debt and his unwarranted spending. Obama is growing the government daily and it is becoming a part of our everyday lives. This along with his Healthcare "plan" are not supported by voters. Unemployment is worse and he wasted billions on bailouts and his stimulus package. Gas prices keep rising, as well as the taxes he wishes to pour on us. 

My problem with Obama is his inability to stop campaigning. He has never seemed real to me, just a talking head who continues to force "change" down our throats. Where is this change? I have seen change for the worse and that is all. The government is growing too large and too intrusive.

We need a President who takes a stand. A President who can get us out of this mess, not just talk about it.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Mitt Romney feels Obama took the easy way out with his speech regarding the debt ceiling. Romney wrote this, "Of course, it was predictable that the president would call for 'tax hikes for the rich' even as he surely knows that extending the Bush tax cuts has been the single feature of the December tax compromise that has contributed most to stimulating the economy,"

Obama is afraid of losing this upcoming election. He is already in campaign mode. He is afraid of reform. It is easy for him to go after millionaires and billionaires, people who have spent their lives working extremely hard for the money they have earned. Romney continued, "he also surely knows that the higher taxes he promises will impair America's vital small businesses, depressing job and income growth for everyone."

I could not agree more with Romney regarding the previous statement. Americans are struggling to pay off debt as it is, and yet Obama still wants to raise taxes so he can pay for the foolish spending he continues to disregard. The debt ceiling should not be raised, the majority of Americans know that by now. We need a President who cuts and creates jobs. Romney cut unemployment in half during his time as Governor of Mass. Just sayin'


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Who's Afraid of Trump, Not Me Says Mitt

Donald Trump's recent surge as a front-runner in the 2012 presidential race is heating things up on the Republican side. However, his opponents don't seem bothered. Mitt Romney stated he would welcome The Donald into the race, saying, "the waters fine, the more the merrier." Trump has brought new life to the republican race for the nomination in recent weeks. He is honing in on issues that most republicans wouldn't touch with a ten-foot stick. He continues to attack Obama because of his inability to provide a birth certificate. Romney on the other hand believes that President Obama was born in the United States. I for one am like the rest of America -- which means I have no clue. --

If Trump wasn't taking himself seriously before, he definitely is now. I think a race between him and Romney would be extremely close, that is if Trump chooses to run. If he doesn't, I believe the billionaires goal will be to shape the debates around issues he wants to be addressed.  A showdown between him and Romney would surely bring some great debates.

Ultimately, this is Romney's race to lose, he has the political background as well as the business experience. Romney, unlike Obama, has a proven track record -- i.e. Governor, Olympics, etc. -- The former Massachusetts Governor just announced he was running for President on a college campus and I thought that was extremely cool. One thing Mitt really hit hard on was the job crisis. As a student this really hits home for me. I will be looking for a job soon and it seems the current administration is doing nothing to help. I believe Romney can create jobs and help heal our struggling economy. Check out http://anamericanblog.weebly.com for some great stats regarding Romney's job creation abilities. 

I believe and so should you. Believe in Romney.

Monday, April 11, 2011

What does America really want?

What do the people want? Do we want a federal government that controls and regulates everything? Or do we want a government that listens and gives its people a voice. Do we want a government who seemingly has no regard for a budget? Or do we want a government that is NOT going to leave future generations in debt up to their necks.

What the people really NEED are jobs. Gas prices keep rising and morale keeps falling. Americans are worried about inflation and are struggling to sell their homes. We live in a country founded by the people, FOR THE PEOPLE. That is what makes America great. Not big government and overspending.

I want to find a candidate who LISTENS to our people. A candidate who engages and energizes the youth vote much like Obama did. However, I want this candidate to back up his promises of hope and change.  I want this candidate to stand for what he believes in, not just side with the party that backs him.

What potential candidate do you trust?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Romney "Trumps" all in New Hampshire

It seems that Romney holds the only chance in overtaking Obama in New Hampshire in 2012. According to a new Public Policy Polling Obama edges Romney by only one point. No other Republican candidate even came close to beating the President in the northern state. Ginrich fell short by 13 points, while Palin was even further away as she trailed by 22 points.

What is interesting about New Hampshire is the potential battle that could take place between Donald Trump and Mitt Romney. Romney, being the former governor, obviously has significant pull in the state. Trump's strength relies heavily on tea-party voters as he is the favorite amongst most. 

The Republican primary could get very interesting if things keep heading in the direction they currently are. Personally, I believe Romney will take New Hampshire. It is his home state and that should be enough to give him the edge.