Monday, April 11, 2011

What does America really want?

What do the people want? Do we want a federal government that controls and regulates everything? Or do we want a government that listens and gives its people a voice. Do we want a government who seemingly has no regard for a budget? Or do we want a government that is NOT going to leave future generations in debt up to their necks.

What the people really NEED are jobs. Gas prices keep rising and morale keeps falling. Americans are worried about inflation and are struggling to sell their homes. We live in a country founded by the people, FOR THE PEOPLE. That is what makes America great. Not big government and overspending.

I want to find a candidate who LISTENS to our people. A candidate who engages and energizes the youth vote much like Obama did. However, I want this candidate to back up his promises of hope and change.  I want this candidate to stand for what he believes in, not just side with the party that backs him.

What potential candidate do you trust?


  1. Hi Red, White and You,

    Great posting and questions. This raises a lot of questions and thoughts. We're hoping that Mitt Romney is the next President of the United States. He gets change and isn't just a talker. You can also follow our updates here:
    Twitter: @BelieveInRomney

    We hope that you will join us!

    Team Believe in Romney

  2. I will definitely be joining you for future discussions! One thing I love about Romney is his track record. He is a proven leader. He successfully ran a business for numerous years, turned the olympics around in 2002, and was governor of Massachusetts. Not to mention his joint degree from Harvard law and the Harvard business school.

  3. Great post! I look forward to reading more. If you are interested, I'm starting a blog as well to talk about this year's candidates. Here is my newest post:

  4. HG,

    I checked out your post and you have some really great content over there. I am excited that I found another young American who is concerned about the election in 2012.
