Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will the Real Presidential Candidates Please Stand Up?

What do you want? The answer to that question is obviously to vast to put into words. However, there is a change that politicians need to make as far as giving us people what we truly want. Sure, we want the normal everyday commodities, lower gas prices, less debt, and a better housing market. But it goes beyond that. One person who understands this (as much as I hate to say it) is Barack Obama. His endless motifs throughout his campaign of hope and change resonated with American citizens. It truly inspired people.

That is where the Republicans lack. Most are so tied up in telling us what the President is doing wrong (rightly so) that they forget to tell us how to fix it. The American people are struggling and we still need the hope and change that Obama never brought. Someone who will stand up for what he believes in and doesn't just use political rhetoric. A leader who knows how to pitch a positive message as opposed to a negative one. We need a leader who is as ambitious as the people who elected him.

So in the words of Eminem. May I have your attention please?

Will the real presidential candidates please stand up?

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